Everything's Bigger in Texas

A tale of misjudgment, forgiveness, and a second chance at love.
I am a woman in a male trucker’s world, which means I’ve developed a thick skin and a potty mouth over the years. When an EMT that I sorta kinda like decides he doesn’t like me, no skin off my nose. I can take Quinn’s snark and dish it right back at him. Until he finally realizes he’s in the wrong about me, and he goes and does something decent, like apologizing. Now what do I do with him?
I come from a screwed-up family that I admit affects how I judge people. When I overheard Mia talking about living with someone named Jeff while she was dating my buddy Brody, I jumped to the wrong conclusion and I’ve been giving her grief ever since. I’ve finally realized I screwed up. Big time. So I’m trying to prove how sorry I am but she’s making me jump through hoops. Rightfully so.
Being around Mia, away from her truck, has let me see the soft squishy parts behind the thick armour she’s donned. But going from hating someone to trusting them is a long swing. Now I have to convince her—and myself—I’m worth the effort.
All eyes are on the ensuing drama between father and daughter until the roar of a large diesel engine distracts me. McBride positions her flatbed, hops out, and walks back to set up the winch. She grabs the hook and pulls the cable down the hill. The water is rushing through the gully now, well over knee-deep. But I’m more concerned about the mud on the far side, especially near the top where I’d nearly taken a header. Should I warn her?
Except it’s Mia McBride. Attitude on two endless legs. She has a foul mouth and an attitude to match. Like the wasp she resembles in her rain gear, she has stung me hard, more than once.
She’s a damned fine-looking woman. She’s tall, almost my height. And her tight ass? *chef’s kiss*
READ MOREHer thick, dark hair is done up in braids this week, the purple beads clicking as she turns her head. Those braids beg me to wrap my hand around them and hold her in place as I kiss her. Her dark eyes glint in the night like a cat’s, with a gaze that drills straight into me as if she can see into my soul. And her laugh? It’s one of those husky, deep sounds that has my dick standing straight, ready to perform at her command.
I used to watch her in high school, especially while she was running track or playing baseball. Her school uniform displayed legs that went on forever. Muscular legs my teenaged self imagined wrapped around me, pulling me into her hot pussy. Sadly, they stayed mere fantasies, especially after my knockdown, drag-out with her cousins.
The instant attraction had reared its cock again when I’d encountered her shortly after I’d started working full time with the BSFD. Like tonight, we’d attended an MVC scene, and Mia was hanging out beside her tow truck, waiting for us to clear the scene. MVC—that’s our shorthand for Motor Vehicle Collision, by the way.
Okay, the attraction is not past tense. I still find her attractive. I can’t help it.
But she’d been dating some other guy at the time, so she was hands off. I don’t insert myself into other people’s relationships. I learned from watching my mother screw other women’s husbands and the hurt it caused. By the time I learned Mia had broken up with the other guy, she was already dating my buddy Gonzalez. It meant I had to listen to Gonzalez braggin’ about how many times they’d done it on his days off, but he was happy, so I put up with it. Then one night, on Gonzalez’s night off, McBride and I were attending another MVC, and I overheard her talking on her phone about having to get home to Jeff.
Gonzalez’s first name is Danny.
Then last year, long after she’d broken up with Gonzalez (who never did say why they’d split, but I figure he’d found out about Jeff), she and Dickinson hooked up. A couple weeks later, I overheard her talking about having to go check on Brian, who had been sick earlier in the day. Something he ate, she figured.
The woman is a serial cheater.
So yeah, my brain’s gotta take command and cool my dick’s jets around her. Every. Damned. Time.
She reaches the top of the far bank. Her right foot slips in the muck, her arms pinwheel, a giant wasp attempting to fly. The cable slips from her hand as she tumbles down the hill, and lands in the ditch. Water geysers up around her and nearly hits those of us standing on the bank by my truck.
Had she hit her head? Twisted an ankle? Might we be dealing with a spinal injury here?
I scramble down the bank, worrying about her inhaling the filthy water. Water in the lungs can mean major issues, like pneumonia, even dry drowning days later. Before I can reach her, Mia comes up spluttering and cursing like a sailor.
Instead of waiting for me to check her out, that woman with attitude, still cursing a blue streak, heads back up to the Audi. Forcing me to traverse the fuckin’ gully again, because she might have hit her head and not realized it yet.
I need to check her out. It’s my job. My duty. Even to women who flip me off and tell me to stick my dick where the sun don’t shine. Without lube.
Fuck my life.
COLLAPSETexas Hook-Up was fun, steamy, and emotional