As I’m doing a ton of background work to get my Carina books ready for re-release, I’m wondering if anyone would be interested in reading a blog again? Or is everyone over on TikTok these days?

For my own part, in addition to sending newsletters only for sales/new releases, I would like to go back to posting chit chat and background about the writing and publishing process here. Facebook is not reaching anybody unless it makes them money. Twitter can be far too dark and political that I need to stay off it most days. And to be honest, I do not see myself ever making a video for TikTok.

a large green stylized question mark on a white background

So…how do you keep in touch with your favourite authors and their news about sales and upcoming releases? Or just general chit chat? Would you be interested in reading posts here? (You can click to have them emailed to you if you want to follow that way.) Or would you prefer newsletters sent to you only if there’s a sale or new release? If you’re seeing this, let me know what you think.


Do you still read blogs?
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