After being in Kindle Unlimited for the last six months, Texas Hook-Up, book 4 in the Barnett Springs Romance series, is now available through Apple, Google Play, Nook, Kobo, Smashwords, and all your favourite vendors. It is available through Kobo Plus if you’re a member of that service, and will also be available through most library systems such as Overdrive (Libby), Palace Marketplace amongst others. If you can’t find it at your favourite library, you can ask for them to order it for you.

What’s that? It’s like a Buy One, Get one deal? Yup, I wrote a 70 page short story to follow up on Quinn’s & Mia’s relationship called Gettin’ Hitched. And it’s free! The link to download it is at the back of the book, both on the digital versions and the paperback. So buy or borrow Texas Hook-Up and download Gettin’ Hitched for free!

graphic with a rural two lane road with a double yellow line down the center, a ginger cat to the left, a black & white cat on the right verge, and in the top center a tablet and a paperback with the cover of Texas Hook-Up by Leah Braemel. Beneath the books is a quote by Sharon of Simply Love Book Reviews saying "fun, steamy and emotional."

A tale of misjudgment, forgiveness, and a second chance at love.


I am a woman in a male trucker’s world, which means I’ve developed a thick skin and a potty mouth over the years. When an EMT that I sorta kinda like decides he doesn’t like me, no skin off my nose. I can take Quinn’s snark and dish it right back at him. Until he finally realizes he’s in the wrong about me, and he goes and does something decent, like apologizing. Now what do I do with him?


I come from a screwed-up family that I admit affects how I judge people. When I overheard Mia talking about living with someone named Jeff while she was dating my buddy Brody, I jumped to the wrong conclusion and I’ve been giving her grief ever since. I’ve finally realized I screwed up. Big time. So I’m trying to prove how sorry I am but she’s making me jump through hoops. Rightfully so.

Being around Mia, away from her truck, has let me see the soft squishy parts behind the thick armour she’s donned. But going from hating someone to trusting them is a long swing. Now I have to convince her—and myself—I’m worth the effort.

What do readers have to say about it? Well, as featured in the graphic above, Sharon from Simply Love Book Reviews  calls it “…fun, steamy, and emotional…”

But Amazon readers have also said:

“WOW! Exciting, intense, drama and romance! Fantastic writing and great characters. “

“Wow I loved this story it is a really awesome read “

“Great fast read with fun banter, some truth and amazing apologies that grabs you with each turn of the page.”

So if you haven’t read it already, now you have multiple places where you can buy it (or borrow it.) And if you have already read it, please do this author a favour and leave a review on your favourite site. (Don’t forget to review/recommend it on Bookbub if you’re a member there.)

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